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Integrated 4 Part Threrapy For Autism

There seem to exist hundreds of therapies for autism on the marketplace today then “on the marketplace” seems to be the reason – money. aspergers

Nevertheless, there is no actual integration of any of these therapies plus little information meant for the “poor” parents with an autistic child (and “poor” is often correct as autism is a “bankrupting disease”). autistic parent

Here are four unlike basic problems with four different therapies required to solve them and work towards any treatment or recoverys. These are:

Mercury and other heavy metal toxins

Allergies and food sensitivities

Digestive (gut) problems

Inadequate nutrition

Dealing with Heavy Metal toxicity.

This is the main predicament and hardly any doctors actually understand it. Measuring heavy metal, particularly in an autistic infant or child is no easy matter. Hardly any MDs are aware that the autistic patients are ALWAYS short in any chelating material in the blood, such as Vitamin C, or glutathione. (At each autism congress, there are a number of booths, each extolling a different way to develop expensive glutathione into an autistic youngster. Vitamin C is cheaper and better.)

The doctor takes blood or urine sample, then runs a mineral assay, comparing the heavy metals to the dietary minerals during the blood stream. They believe that this is to some extent accurate, BUT IT’S NOT!

Know that the purpose of the liver is to filter these contaminated minerals out of the blood subsequently that they cannot acquire near the brain where they be able to actually kill brain cells. Once the toxins are filtered into the liver, some are slowly but surely shifted to supplementary safe storage areas of the body. Conversely, with a greater load of mercury, such as multiple vaccines, added to what’s previously in the liver, the liver may possibly not be able to handle it all after that brain cells are damaged or killed. (Check the mother’s mercury level as well.)

The liver is under strict instructions NEVER to let go these toxins until and unless some chelation material is present in the bloodstream. A chelating substance combines with the heavy metal, and changes it to a harmless chemical that is water soluble, and it can be filtered out via the kidneys and urine pathway.

So, if blood is measured, what is really measured is merely what the liver can discharge (if a chelate is present, a short time after the chelate is sensed). Blood then may have at that time and for some time after, a fair amount of the toxin. Urine takes this similar amount out of the body after it has been filtered out by the kidneys. (Adults may be measured more accurately by hair analysis.) So, if you followed the above, you can observe that with an autistic child it is added than to be expected any measurement of mercury or lead will show a false negative – that is actually lower than toxicity.

How can you develop a more precise or at least NOT a bogus negative reading? Pre-load your child with Vitamin C. I recommend vitamin C for several reasons: It’s cheap; it’s antiviral and antibacterial; and the single bad side effect is diarrhea, even for infants.

Since vitamin C lone lasts four hours, I would load up to 1 gram (1000mg) each four hours for every 50 pounds of child. If, or when, the child gets diarrhea, lower that amount until just below the point where diarrhea starts. (That’s called “bowel tolerance”). If the patient shows contaminated for heavy metal, start chelating and continue until tests show a level way below toxic. This may take up to a year or further. Remember that this is very slow and safe, and it takes a long time to acquire all of it out of storage and released into the blood. I’ve seen continued high heavy metal toxicity 6 months or a year after starting this chelation.

There are many different chelators on the marketplace and some of them are advertised as fast. I’m not convinced that these really are that fast, or they just get the toxin out of the liver, and leave it in the stored fatty areas. I still recommend vitamin C as the cheapest and best chelator for the reasons above. For chelation purposes, I used 10 grams per day in split measures for adults, and modified that for children, often using bowel tolerance as a measure.

If each pregnant mother were tested for contaminated minerals at start of pregnancy and started chelation if noxious, it could easily end this autism “epidemic”. I believe that if pregnant women took 4 grams of vitamin C and a good multi vitamin all thru pregnancy, they would give birth to healthy babies!

Here’s some good news – using vitamin C this way, your child or even infant will NOT get colds or flu while on these amounts of vitamin C. Nor would pregnant women.

Allergies & Sensitivities

All child with ADD to Autism has further allergies than the average kids, and they develop more than the average amount of food and chemical sensitivities due to “Leaky Gut Syndrome”.

Here’s the downward spiral progression. It starts with huge stress. Stress is additive, so start with mercury (leading cause of autism today), add in a genetic tendency towards allergies, and “normal” living stress. This additive amount requires extra vitamins and amino acids just to handle the effects.

However, the autistic infant or child is a very picky and difficult eater and in our culture today, malnutrition is a given for most children. Too often, the lone food wanted by an autistic child is not what they need for. Fast food is not good nutrition!

In order to obtain further needed nutrition, the brain tells the gut to open up a bit and let more amino acids thru to the bloodstream. This allows longer strings of amino acids (peptides) to enter the blood. Some of these peptide strings are so long that the brain thinks that they might be dangerous bacteria, so it develops “sensitivity” to whatever caused that long string to develop in. This is called “Leaky Gut Syndrome”. Since some of the first foods fed to infants are milk and bread, it’s easy to see why the GFCF (Gluten Free Casein Free) diet helps so many. The Leaky Gut Syndrome was responsible!

Also see that these new allergies add added stress to the mix, and the spiral continues downward? Allergy testing and cure is very expensive and difficult to obtain correct at best. In 2000, I first proposed the theory “Raising the SMR brainwave somehow changes the brain affect from allergens”. This theory is the only viable theory today as to how EEG Biofeedback (NFB) and Neuroliminal Training (NT) work, and there are many stories that confirm this theory

My favorite story concerns twin boys about 9 yrs old. The mother was concerned about using NT as the boys slept in the same room. I assured her that lone good was possible, and about 2 months later she reported that the one was cured of ADHD and the other no longer had ragweed hay fever!

Personally, my wife and I have been using one or another NT CD. as I have developed and improved them, for 5 years. I no longer suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis (Peanuts), nor neuralgia (Soy), nor Hay Fever (Ragweed) and overweight (wheat). My wife had a headache within a minute or less of eating any form of corn. She now eats corn on the cob and popcorn without a dilemma. At 64, she lost adequate weight to again wear bikinis, (and she can and does).

Most people continue to use the NT CD’s long after the particular predicament has been solved, and I have to believe that the longer it’s used, the added allergies are solved. That’s certainly been the case for us.

For this part of the therapy, of course I advise the Autism CD package. EEG biofeedback, or Neurofeedback (as it’s often called now) will also work, but it’s so pricey as to be prohibitive for autism with over 200 visits to a clinic required. Compare that to $147 total cost for NT.

Digestive (gut) problems

First realize that your interior body and your digestive system (gut) are entirely separate, and must be so to work as designed. The gut has bacteria and toxins that are poisonous to the interior body. Compare the two systems to a doughnut. The gut is the hole, and not really a piece of the body, but a doughnut isn’t really a doughnut without a hole.

The acceptable gut bacteria are absolutely essential to good digestion. If you take an antibiotic, some of it goes into the gut, and kills some essential bacteria, while not affecting fungus or yeast. In a really healthy person, maybe you can re-grow that necessary bacteria colony, but probably not. Maybe, that particular area is taken over by fungus or yeast cells. The gut can’t work at normal efficiency, and not enough necessary nutrition is getting thru. Does the term “Leaky Gut Syndrome” sound familiar?

Antibiotics can be good things, but they are not all good. All time anyone takes any interior antibacterial pill or capsule, they should start an Acidophilous regime after they stop the antibiotic.

Here’s what I recommend: Start with 5 capsules of Acidophilous (found in your health food store in the refrigerator). Wait for two days, and if gas and cramps are not too wicked or gone, go up to 10 capsules. Try to take with some milk product (got to feed the troops going to war). If no serious gas or cramping occurs, go up to 20 capsules each other day for 2- 3 times, depending on the color and smell as described under. This is what I recommend for an adult, modify for a child.

Here’s the fun part. You have to monitor the color of the stool. It’ll start out pretty dark and smelly. As you progress, it will develop lighter and less smelly (less yeast and added good bacteria). By the 5th or 6th measure, it should be yellowish brown, or orange brown, and be much less smelly.

Repeat whenever any antibiotic is taken that can acquire into the gut. (Shots and external don’t count.)

Inadequate Nutrition

This along with the mercury predicament is the hardest to do correctly. There are many opinions on this, and there are beginning to be some solutions. We know that the B and C vitamins and some amino acids are needed most.

I have a chemist friend who has concocted a “rub-on” sort of lotion that can provide various vitamins and amino acids, but it’s not cheap, and is still out of the reach of most autistic budgets. He has developed such a regimen for getting necessary nutrition into gastric bypass patients, and many such surgeons use his suppositories and lotions. I’ll have added information on my website if I can acquire him to sit down and start some web pages of his own.

If you can develop pills into an autistic child, go with at least a 50 mg B complex daily. If not, acquire capsules, open them up, and mix the powder into juice. You can perform the same with vitamin C, and even dissolve Acidophilous into yoghurt or bottled milk.

Do not use the cheap “protein” food. That’s just powdered milk and egg. Get the real mix of amino acids that has the “predigested” form. It’s added expensive, but it provides real nutrition, no matter what the condition of the gut. In my former practice, I delighted in reversing senility (a few of which had been diagnosed as Alzheimer’s) with such a diet.

The above is the first step toward sufficient nutrition to stop “Leaky Gut Syndrome”, which results in even more allergy stress, requiring even more good nutrition.

If you do all the above steps together, I guarantee that you will observe amazing progress. I guarantee “noticeable improvement” just from my NT Autism CD package within 8 weeks, or your money back. This integrated therapy will make for even added progress, and make it possible for some behavior therapy towards normalcy to really work.

About the Author

Phil Bate PhD – Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist Inventor of Neuroliminal Training solving ADD/ADHD/Autism, depression, insomnia, etc

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